Kotlin/Native:Next step on the way to Kotlin multiplatform projects

分享时间: 2019-06-22 14:30-15:30

Elena Lepilkina  |

JetBrains Software developer in Kotlin/Native team

Now I'm working in team of development Kotlin/Native compiler based on LLVM. My main responsibility is performance improvements of Kotlin/Native compiler. As person who got acquainted with all infrastructure of Kotlin (JVM/Native/JS/MPP) not long time ago I can share my knowledge how it works now and how to strat writing multiplatform projects on Kotlin. Before I had been working about 3 years in development of compiler for embedded processors ARC for C/C++ based on LLVM. One of big part of my responsibilities also was benchmarking system for compiler.


Kotlin started as a language to target the JVM. At the last Google I/O, Google announced that the Kotlin programming language is now its preferred language for Android app developers. But Kotlin can be used for much more than just JVM. Kotlin/JS appeared in Kotlin 1.1 in 2017; this allows compiling Kotlin both for frontend JS and Node.js. The world of Kotlin opportunities became even more extensive with Kotlin/Native, a technology for compiling Kotlin code to native binaries, which can run without a virtual machine on many popular platforms. It is an LLVM based backend for the Kotlin compiler and native implementation of the Kotlin standard library. Everybody knows that repeating code is bad practice in software development, but in some cases, it was impossible to avoid, because developers had to use various languages for common logic on different applications (mobile (Android and iOS), desktop, web, etc.). Now writing real multiplatform projects in one language is becoming a reality. This language is Kotlin. I’ll describe the full infrastructure of modern Kotlin and show you how to create multiplatform projects using all the different parts of Kotlin to write common logic only once. Also, I’ll discuss what design decisions the Kotlin/Native team have made to make the world of virtual machines and native become friends. It wasn’t easy, because these worlds have different approaches in many fields. I’ll describe some points that may not be obvious in Kotlin/Native depending on your background as a developer (JVM or native applications).

This talk describes structure of Kotlin language and place of Kotlin/Native in it.


- What is Kotlin/Native as technology in general and why was it needed?
- Interoperability with different languages (C/Objective-C/Swift)
- Automatic and manual memory management
- Creating multiplatform projects on Kotlin (JVM+Native+JS), common and platform-specific parts.

Elena Lepilkina  |

Software developer in Kotlin/Native team

Now I'm working in team of development Kotlin/Native compiler based on LLVM. My main responsibility is performance improvements of Kotlin/Native compiler. As person who got acquainted with all infrastructure of Kotlin (JVM/Native/JS/MPP) not long time ago I can share my knowledge how it works now and how to strat writing multiplatform projects on Kotlin. Before I had been working about 3 years in development of compiler for embedded processors ARC for C/C++ based on LLVM. One of big part of my responsibilities also was benchmarking system for compiler.


Kotlin started as a language to target the JVM. At the last Google I/O, Google announced that the Kotlin programming language is now its preferred language for Android app developers. But Kotlin can be used for much more than just JVM. Kotlin/JS appeared in Kotlin 1.1 in 2017; this allows compiling Kotlin both for frontend JS and Node.js. The world of Kotlin opportunities became even more extensive with Kotlin/Native, a technology for compiling Kotlin code to native binaries, which can run without a virtual machine on many popular platforms. It is an LLVM based backend for the Kotlin compiler and native implementation of the Kotlin standard library. Everybody knows that repeating code is bad practice in software development, but in some cases, it was impossible to avoid, because developers had to use various languages for common logic on different applications (mobile (Android and iOS), desktop, web, etc.). Now writing real multiplatform projects in one language is becoming a reality. This language is Kotlin. I’ll describe the full infrastructure of modern Kotlin and show you how to create multiplatform projects using all the different parts of Kotlin to write common logic only once. Also, I’ll discuss what design decisions the Kotlin/Native team have made to make the world of virtual machines and native become friends. It wasn’t easy, because these worlds have different approaches in many fields. I’ll describe some points that may not be obvious in Kotlin/Native depending on your background as a developer (JVM or native applications).

This talk describes structure of Kotlin language and place of Kotlin/Native in it.


- What is Kotlin/Native as technology in general and why was it needed?
- Interoperability with different languages (C/Objective-C/Swift)
- Automatic and manual memory management
- Creating multiplatform projects on Kotlin (JVM+Native+JS), common and platform-specific parts.

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